Influencer Marketing: Boosting Sales Through Social Commerce

Influencer Marketing: Boosting Sales Through Social Commerce

10 August, 2023

Influencer Sales

Last updated on 30 October, 2023

Written by Content Team

Influencer Marketing is Now the Powerful Social Commerce Strategy! Read More.

Planning to tap into the vast and diverse world of influencer marketing? Read this blog before getting started to get more out of it. Use this authentic social media marketing tactic to boost your brand sales.


Influencer marketing is becoming the trend in this digital age, where 75% of brands are willing to spend billions to enhance brand awareness, lead conversions, and customer loyalty. The post-pandemic world is ever-ready to follow recommendations from their favorite influencers with the rise of social commerce. There are several social commerce tactics, of which influencer marketing is the powerful tool driving targeted customers, thereby shooting up the sales of your brand. But is influencer marketing worth it? If so, how can your brand take leverage of it? Stay till the end to use this influential social media marketing tool correctly.

Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Social commerce is 10x this convenience factor, allowing users to place orders without leaving social media. Now customers can buy any product they are eyeing from social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Here, Influencer marketing comes into the picture, which acts as an augmented catalyst for boosting your business sales like never before if implemented correctly.

The well-planned and well-executed influencer partnership brings a broad range of benefits to your table, such as:

1. Strong Brand Voice: Digital influencers: connect with their followers on a relatable level through original content creation. Brands can take advantage of this and showcase their business values and products in the most natural way possible, which in turn results in deploying a solid voice for your brand.

2. Credibility and Loyalty: Sometimes, or most of the time, the only bottleneck between your potential customer and that place order button might be the trust issues. This gap can be filled by the influencers trusted by their loyal followers. Collaborating with influencers with a suitable target audience is the way to build customer credibility and loyalty.

3. Organic Engagement and Website Traffic: When influencers with high following collab with your brand, they upload a post or series of posts aligned with your brand values and needs. This piques the followers' interest, creating brand awareness and bringing a newer audience to your brand.

4. Trusted Social Proofs and Reviews: Few solid product reviews are enough to make the user click place the order button. And if the review is from their favorite influencer, it is enough to make them click in a heartbeat.

5. Increased Brand Awareness and Sales: Influencers with dedicated following increase your brand visibility and awareness by uploading paid posts. These posts garner the attention of their followers, who can be interested in your brand. Influencer sales are the ultimate goal of influencer marketing; their followers can become your potential customers, driving more sales and business revenue for your brand.

The Synergy Benefit of Influencer Marketing and Social Commerce

Here are some of the most common and practical ways which prove that influencer marketing and social commerce are a win-win combo.

1. Paid Partnerships: Influencers upload paid posts featuring your brand's focused products or services. Collaborating with transparent influencers who mention the post as “sponsored” will generate followers' trust and can even make them pass forward into the purchase funnel, where they could buy your featured product.

2. Collabs: Brand partnerships and collaborations drive followers crazy when their favorite influencer collabs with their favorite brand. The key is to identify the right influencer with a similar audience base.

3. Influencers Collaboration: Making two or more influencers collab with your brand for the same campaign, whether your goal is to increase brand awareness or drive more sales, can gain followers' attention like no other.

4. Honest Reviews: Influencer reviews might be all your brand needs right now to create trust and loyalty in potential customers. These honest product or service reviews are featured on the social media accounts of the respective influencer.

5. Affiliate Marketing: Consistent commission for every purchased product encourages the influencers to promote your product creatively.

3 Simple Steps to Getting Started with Influencer Marketing

Tap into the untapped world of influencer marketing and expose your brand to a wider customer base, thereby skyrocketing sales and revenue with these three simple steps:

1. Highest Audience Engagement: Identify the social platforms with the highest audience engagement before incorporating influencer marketing, one of the best E-commerce strategies. Though influencers are not on the same page as brand ambassadors, they have a high potential to increase your brand awareness and sales since loyal and closely connected followers back them.

2. Choose the Right Influencers: The right influencers will add life to your brand, making a lasting impression of your products or services in the minds of potential customers. Influencers with strong social media engagement and similar target audiences can be your best bet.

3. The Best Partnership: Collaborating with the right influencer ticks all the boxes. The best influencer partnership must benefit your brand, influencer, and potential audience, aka their followers.


With a whopping 64% of consumers and online shoppers casually using social commerce from exploring to purchasing the product emphasizes the need for brands to tap into the social commerce market. Now sprinkle influencer marketing into social commerce; you got the recipe for a successful E-commerce strategy, the best way to boost your brand sales. Influencer marketing can be worth it if properly planned and executed by incorporating the above practical ways and steps. Need help managing and growing your E-commerce business? Avail professional services from Gonukkad, Your Local Neighborhood.

Q. What is social commerce?

A. Social commerce is the seamless version of E-commerce where brands sell their products and services directly through various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.

Q. How can Influencer marketing help businesses grow in social commerce?

A. Digital influencers are authentic content creators who loyal followers support. Integrating influencer collaboration into social commerce massively increases your brand's awareness, leading to increased sales and business revenue.

Q. How can influencer partnerships benefit social commerce?

A. By partnering with famous influencers, brands can make influencers create paid posts, leave honest reviews, or even make them part of affiliate marketing programs which boosts the brand's social commerce and visibility.

Q. What are the benefits of influencer marketing?

A. Influencer marketing is a billion-dollar industry that brings various advantages to your brand, such as:

1. Strong Brand Voice

2. Credibility and Loyalty

3. Organic Website Traffic

4. Trusted Reviews

5. Increased Brand Awareness and Sales

Q. What is the difference between social commerce and E-commerce?

A. Social commerce is the subset of E-commerce that is becoming viral for its comprehensiveness and seamless user experience. Now customers can easily and quickly buy a product through social media platforms without visiting the brand's E-commerce website.

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