Shopping Cart Abandonment: Identify, Recover, Convert

Shopping Cart Abandonment: Identify, Recover, Convert

20 July, 2023

Cart Abandonment

Last updated on 21 August, 2024

Written by Content Team

How to Get More Sales by Recovering Abandoned Carts

Learn how to reduce shopping cart abandonment with these proven strategies. We'll cover everything from optimizing your checkout process to offering incentives to abandoned cart customers.


A customer visits your website and begins looking through your assortment of product catalogs. Following that, they begin adding various goods to their shopping basket. Thus far, so good.

However, they leave your website without making a purchase rather than finishing the checkout procedure. That implies that your business won't make any revenue.

An all-too-common occurrence in e-commerce is cart abandonment, which occurs when customers add things to their basket and leave their session without making a purchase.

A consumer goes to your website and starts browsing the product catalogs you provide. E-commerce businesses lose $18 billion in revenue as a result of cart abandonment every year.

AYes, you heard that right. $18 billion is a lot of profit fading down the drain.

What can you do about it? Start making investments in a successful abandoned cart recovery plan.

What is Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Shopping cart abandonment happens when a customer starts the checkout procedure but abandons the order. Any item that a potential customer adds to their shopping cart but then decides not to purchase is considered abandoned.

It can happen for numerous reasons, similar to being interrupted, not having enough money, or not being sure about the purchase. From a commercial standpoint, an abandoned cart meaning frequently signifies a lost sale.

What is meant by Abandoned Cart Recovery?

E-commerce merchandisers utilize marketing automation and UX design in their abandoned cart recovery approach, which is a method for acquiring deals.

A two-pronged strategy is used to recover abandoned carts. By reducing friction in the purchasing experience, it initially seeks to lower cart abandonment in the first instance. In order to convince clients who were on the verge of making a purchase, it also follows up with them.

By making an effort to recover abandoned shopping carts, e-commerce brands are not just perfecting conversions; they are also gaining a better understanding of customer behavior.

Why is a Cart Abandonment Recovery Strategy necessary?

A collection of methods used by online merchants to re-engage customers who have added items to their shopping carts but haven't finished their purchases is known as a cart abandonment recovery strategy. Having a cart abandonment recovery plan for your organization has several advantages.

1. Recover lost revenue: Customers should be reminded of the things they left behind and given incentives to finish their purchases.

2. Improve customer retention: Follow up with consumers who leave their shopping carts unattended to demonstrate your dedication to them. This might ensure their allegiance.

3. Increase conversion rates: Target customers who have formerly shown an interest in the products to ameliorate your conversion rates. Messages sent in response to cart retargeting may contain tips and inducements tailored to the individual customer.

4. Get customer perceptivity: Track consumer behavior and spot trends using website analytics to learn why people leave shopping carts empty. Utilize these insights to then enhance the checkout procedure.

Best ways to convert the Abandonment carts

The following are the proven ways to convert the Abandoned Carts:

1. Remind customers of their abandoned cart

2. Provide the multiple payment options at checkout

3. Conduct the personal best abandoned checkout email outreach

4. Retargeting through the Google Ads

5. Use Exit-Intent Pop-ups

6. Show the related Items to Users

7. Outstanding customer service

8. Provide an Incentive

9. Improve your checkout procedure

10. Put straightforward, noticeable calls to action in your shopping cart.

How to Calculate the Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate?

To pinpoint the precise causes of a rise or drop in profit, e-commerce firms can measure and cover the cart abandonment rate. This aids in determining the percentage of site visitors who exhibit purchase intent by adding products to their carts but ultimately choosing not to make a purchase.

Shopping cart abandonment rate = [1- (total number of completed purchases made/number of carts that are created)] x 100%

By dividing the entire number of transactions by the total number of carts formed, one may get the cart abandonment rate. To calculate the desertion rate, subtract the result from one and then multiply it by 100.


To some extent, cart abandonment may be avoided. The chance of attrition is reduced by optimizing your website, offering a simple buying experience, and offering a variety of payment choices.

However, in some cases, you can not recover abandoned shopping carts. Examine your conversion funnels to distinguish between the window shoppers (those who abandon before initiating the checkout inflow) and the guests with purchase intent who drop off due to disunion on your website. You can head on to GoNukkad for professional recommendations and solutions.

Q. How can you decrease shopping cart abandonment?

A. Reducing abandoned carts can be done by:

1. Be open and honest about the costs.

2. Offer several shipping alternatives.

3. Enhance website design

4. Make the checkout procedure easier.

5. Improve your return procedure.

6. Allow guests to check out

7. Include more payment options

Q. Why is the abandoning of shopping carts a concern for retailers?

A. Shopping cart abandonment is a problem for e-commerce stores because it represents lost deals. It's crucial to monitor this measure since it might reveal any issues with your website and indicate that the user experience or sales funnel needs to be improved.

Q. What percentage of online customers leave their shopping carts?

A. According to research by the Baymard Institute, approximately 70% of all online shoppers leave their shopping carts. This is a pretty high percentage when you consider that out of the 10 visitors that add things to their carts, only three complete the checkout process.

Q. How is the abandonment rate determined?

A. Your cart abandonment rate will be determined by:

1. Divide the total number of begun transactions by the total number of completed transactions.

2. Take the quotient away from 1.

3. Multiply that amount by 100%.

Q. What exactly is shopping cart abandonment?

A. When a customer adds items to their cart but then decides not to check out, their cart is abandoned. As a result of not completing the checkout procedure, any items left in the shopping cart are regarded as abandoned.

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